RSVP for the Informational and Mobilization Meeting

A Spring Brook Valley informational and mobilization meeting is scheduled for Wednesday October 26, 2022. It will be held concurrently both virtually and in person at Wood Lake Meeting Center located at 210 Woodlake Drive in Southwest Rochester. Click on the title to RSVP.

The urgency is real. The private land we are trying to raise money to buy is in demand for development. I don’t want to see that land developed into anything other than a free public open space with miles of trails to enjoy. Come to the meeting on October 26th to learn all about The Valley Project, where we are now, where we are going, and how you can help raise the money we need for land acquisition.

The Valley Project team is working hard on planning the meeting. Please monitor your email for correspondence from

We hope to see you there either in person or virtually!


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